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Gay Rights Monument The Hague International

Prinsessegracht, 2514 AN The Hague
Homomonument Den Haag - foto Arjan de Jager

In 1985, the initiative council proposal “Approach of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gay rights emancipation promotion” was filed and the associated memo “A Foot In the Door” was drafted. It contained recommendations to combat discrimination and promote emancipation of homosexuals. This is how the Gay Rights Monument came about. An international memorial to commemorate all lesbian women and gay men in the world who are or have been persecuted and suppressed because of their orientation. A fitting monument for the international city of Peace and Justice.

Symbolic meaning
The shape and colour of the steel monument symbolise a self-conscious gay life. The blue stands for awareness, green is the colour of society, the knots symbolise the conflicts and the pink reaching up stands for liberation.
The base reads an inscription by Ida Gerhardt: ‘Where friendship is out in the open like sunlight, we are blessed with unmeasurable happiness’.

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