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Classical music

Dome Concerts - WONDERLAND

Dome Concerts - WONDERLAND.
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WONDERLAND is a unique concert that takes you on an extraordinary journey from Earth to space, where you will enter the magical world of Peer Gynt.

This impressive full-dome show immerses you in magnificent, dreamlike universes, where the line between reality and fantasy blurs. Supported by live music by composer Edvard Grieg. This combination of image and sound is sure to enchant you. Only to be seen on 28 September!

The stunning worlds you see were created by Julius Horsthuis, an artist known for his pioneering visual art and his groundbreaking full-dome film Recombination. His work adds a new dimension to the beautiful music of Edvard Grieg. NOVA's astronomers accompany the journey through the universe.

The concert will be performed by top musicians: Emma Roijackers (violin), Koenraad Spijker (piano), Kalle de Bie (cello) and David Cristobal Litago (saxophone). Together, they bring to life 12 of Grieg's best-loved pieces, including the famous Peer Gynt Suite.

This combination of image and sound is sure to enchant you.

Dates and Times

Saturday 28 September
€ 28,50
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