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Yoga Narada®

Korzo Theater
City center
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During this yoga class taught by teacher J Ryan Carroll you gradually move from sensory awareness to a series of specific breathing exercises. This activates and stimulates the nervous system. Yoga Narada® is not the standard yoga class you might be used to from Hatha Yoga. Yoga Narada® is mainly about small, detailed exercises that move smoothly. The focus in the lesson is on a rhythmic structure. Through fluid movements with a series of standing, sitting, lying and standing exercises, the class ends with recognizing your own body and the space around you. You are slowly brought back to the present to become aware of your environment and your body.

About teacher J Ryan Carroll
In the Netherlands, Ryan has taught at the Amsterdam School of the Arts, Conny Janssen Danst, ICK, De Dutch Don't Dance Division, ARTez and the Henny Jurriens Studio. J Ryan is also a regular guest teacher at the National Ballet Academy. He recently represented Ernst Meisner and the National Ballet Academy at the 2023 Youth America Grand Prix Barcelona Semi Finals where he taught and judged. In April 2023 he represented Ernst Meisner and the National Ballet Academy at the Italian Dance Awards, where he taught and judged. He has been a regular guest teacher in NYC at Ballet Arts, Peridance and Broadway Dance Center. He is an authorized Yoga Narada® Teacher and a ballet teacher authorized in the Harkness Ballet Method, which was further developed by David Howard. J Ryan has worked closely with Hilary Cartwright and David Howard for many years.

Dates and Times

Tuesday 18 June
11:00 - 12:30
€ 7,00
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