Soldaat van Oranjestrand [Soldier of Orange beach]

Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema, Soldier of Orange, experienced the war of ’40-’45 differently than most Dutchman. The student resistance, captivity, escape, battle from London, secret service, landings in Scheveningen, the RAF (where he flew as a pilot for some time) and attacks on Berlin made him adjutant to queen Wilhelmina, together with whom he returned to Dutch soil on May 2, 1945. He was present for the entry of the queen in The Hague on 6 July 1945 and the return of the princesses on August 2, 1945.
The dangerous escape routes to England began at the beach of Scheveningen… He picked up people who were needed in England from occupied Holland. They would take a motor gun boat of the Royal Navy right up to the coast and then take a rowing boat for the final stint to the beach. Several missions failed due to the surf. The plaquette honours Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema as well as all ‘Engelandvaarders’.