Provide content for
List activity or event in the calendar?
Fill in the form and submit your event, performance, workshop, exhibition or other activity for the calendar.
Recording of data
Would you like to promote a cultural-tourist activity or location as widely as possible? Make sure that you can provide us with the current data, consequently it will be automatically distributed via our own and external media. Please always inform us of changes in the activity (cancellation, sold out, extra play date and such like) and location (telephone number, url, description, image) as quickly as possible.
Before submitting the data, first search the website; perhaps the information has already been submitted. If not, send an email with all the information (title, date / time, location, price, description and royalty-free high-res images) to
All public, professional cultural-recreational activities in The Hague are included free of charge, provided they meet the delivery conditions. If your activity is not included, but you still want to know if it can be mentioned in the calendar, please contact via

What requirements should the supplied content meet?
Please note: if the information sent does not meet the conditions below, the data will not be processed!
- Good informative texts written for visitors.
- Three languages: Dutch, English and German.
- High-quality photo material.
Be so complete in supplying data. We would like to receive the data as a Word file, not as a PDF. Image material must be sent separately. Unfortunately, we cannot deal with unclear and incomplete content or a link to a website where the content can be found. Please send the following information in one go to
- title event or. name location
- description (max. 5,000 characters)
- type of event or location
- start / end date and start / end time
- website with more information about event or location
- booking or reservation website
- prices (possibly children, adults and UITpas)
- visual material (see below)
Please do not forget to up-date us on any changes and additions!
The content should be supplied in four languages (Dutch, English, German and French) if this is relevant. A Dutch-language theater performance does not have to be delivered in other languages, because it is not relevant for non-native speakers. With translations, we would like to receive well written texts, in which more has been done than when they are converted by Google Translate. Note: if necessary translations are missing, locations and events will not be included.
Image material must be of high quality and just as good as the other photos on the website. We prefer to receive beautiful, representative atmospheric images. Logos, posters and images with text are not accepted. Look for all specific conditions below in the heading about the guidelines for photo material. Please note: if images do not meet these delivery guidelines, the locations and events in question will not be recorded.
What are the guidelines for photos?
Photos must be of high quality and as good as the other images on the website. We preferably receive beautiful, representative atmospheric images, sent via, for example, WeTransfer. Logos, posters and images with text are not accepted. The more the visual material complies with this, the better editorial attention can be paid to the item in question. If the visual material does not meet the requirements, the information as a whole will not be processed!
Wishes regarding the image material
- Visual material must be dynamic at all times, eg through composition, interaction with people, subject movement, and so on. A boring, empty photo is therefore not desirable. The photo must clearly show that The Hague is a beautiful city.
- Photos preferably contain (attractive) people in a dynamic, interactive setting. People draw the viewer into the image and convince her to visit the city in this way. The human dimension allows the viewer to identify with it. People can be the main subject, placed in a clear context in The Hague, or appear as a reference point in the composition (eg as a tourist). If people are the main subject, interaction between them is very important. It's about vivid images. Static, very portrayed images cannot be used. Face and eyes are visible, which results in an open and inviting image.
- The images must evoke emotion, be narrative, and appeal to the senses. For example, a photo can be incredibly beautiful, or raise a question about the relationship of the people depicted.
- The images are aesthetic, that is, they evoke a feeling of "WOW, I want to be there", a desire to be at that place in the photo. They are nice to look at, colourful, lively, dynamic and give you a good feeling.
- Disturbing, ugly elements on a photo (trash cans, etc.) should not occur.
How is my content processed?
The supplied content is copied as well as possible. The editors will adjust texts and images where necessary, for example to make them SEO-proof. The editors will only do this to improve the content, not just to change things.
If it concerns normal additions to events or changes, we will carry them out as usual by sending without a counter notification. Unfortunately, we cannot respond to questions about the publication of content. In other cases we will contact you. Please note: we use a response and processing period of three weeks. Of course we do our best to be faster!
I have a question regarding mentioning certain data.
All questions about the method of mentioning locations and events can be sent to Please note: always include the link (s) to which your question relates. Unfortunately, we cannot deal with questions without a URL.
I cannot find my adjustments. What should I do?
If you are a partner of The Hague & Partners, your content will also be available on the new website. The 'free search' field on the website (via the 'In the city' button) is the best check for this. However, it may be that not everything has been processed yet or that there is a technical issue. If you do not find the desired search result, please carry out a double check on the website by searching there (accurate title works best). If you still don't find it, send an email to
I am not a partner of The Hague & Partners, but I would like to be included on the website. Is that possible?
Yes, that's possible. The priority is to first bring the content of our partners up to the desired level, and then to include other leisure activities. If you also want to benefit from a partnership with The Hague & Partners, we will be happy to contact you. The costs are minimal compared to advertising, for example, posting up-dates are not only included on the new website, but also in many other local and national off and online resources. Send an email to, if you would like to know more about this.

Can I advertise on this website?
Yes, there are various advertising and advertorial options. The channels of The Hague & Partners including are extremely suitable for advertising, especially in the areas of culture, tourism and entertainment. We are happy to advise you on how our media can contribute to marketing objectives, fitting within and as a supplement to your strategy, budget and wishes.
If you would like more information regarding the prices and different rates, please contact Peter Schaaff: p.schaaff@thehaguecom. Alternatively, you can refer to the overview of all advertising options on our website. You can also collaborate intensively to the activities, services and products of The Hague & Partners. For more information, see the The Hague & Partners Partner Plan