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Paardcafé - Dockyard


Dockyard is set to take the music world by storm with their first single and a rousing live show full of catchy riffs and hooks.

Dockyard's story began in an unexpected location: a sailing boat on the Wadden Sea. There, despite their different musical backgrounds, the creative minds of Glenn Foreman, winner of the Grote Prijs van Nederland, and Jelle Broek, known as guitarist with De Dijk, found each other in a shared passion.

Their conversations about music revealed shared sources of inspiration such as The Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, CCR and Oasis. The immediate musical connection between Jelle and Glenn was undeniable. For both, one thing was certain: top-quality music always deserves an unforgettable live show.

This is a free show. You only need to register by claiming a ticket via PAARD.NL

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