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Waalsdorpervlakte 4 mei

During Remembrance Day on May 4, a silent procession is held every year across the Waalsdorpervlakte in The Hague. This is how the victims of the Second World War are commemorated. The Bourdon bell will be rung just before 7:30 PM until the last interested person has passed the monument. The bell will be heard for miles around.


The Waalsdorpervlakte is a plain in the Meijendel dune area near Scheveningen where more than 250 people were executed during the Second World War. Resistance fighters from the nearby Scheveningen prison, popularly called the Oranjehotel, were executed here. It is estimated that between 1940 and 1945, approximately 250 to 280 people were executed on the Waalsdorpervlakte.

In 1946, a number of resistance fighters spontaneously organized a commemoration on the Waalsdorpervlakte to commemorate the atrocities of the war years. Monuments were erected on the plain in the late 1940s and 1950s. Since that time, the Waalsdorpervlakte has been one of the most important Dutch memorial sites of the war.


The Procession

The start of the procession is formed on the side road of the Oude Waalsdorperweg, past the parking lot of the shooting range and consists of two groups. The first group is formed by family/survivors of the resistance fighters shot on the Waalsdorpervlakte and some guests. The second group consists of interested parties.

Both groups start moving at 7:25 PM and then head towards the monument. Arrival at the Monument on the Waalsdorpervlakte is around 7.40 pm. Just before eight o'clock the bell stops ringing and the 'Signaal Taptoe' sounds on the Waalsdorpervlakte. This is followed by two minutes of silence and then the Wilhelmus is played. After this ceremony, the groups walk past the monument and everyone pays tribute in his/her own way to all the resistance fighters executed during the war. Flower arrangements or wreaths may also be placed on the monument. Flowers brought with you are placed in front of the monument, at the bottom of the Dutch tricolor.

Live TV broadcast on RTL 4

From 7:50 PM you can watch the live broadcast of the commemoration on RTL 4.

Resistance monument

The resistance monument Waalsdorpervlakte is formed by a simple natural stone edge on one side with the text "1940–1945". A granite plaque has been placed in front of the natural stone edge with the text: "Here many compatriots sacrificed their lives for your freedom. Enter this place with due respect." Behind it are four fusillade crosses that former resistance members erected in 1946 and which were replaced in 1980 by the current bronze replicas.

The other part of the monument consists of the imposing Bourdon clock that was installed in 1959. This Bourdon bell has since become an important part of Remembrance Day. The text on the front of the memorial bell is from former Oranjehotel prisoner Prof. Rudolph Cleveringa: "I sound the praise and following of those who gave their lives to prevent injustice, to gain freedom and to safeguard and uplift all Dutch spiritual Good."

Practical information

It can sometimes be very cold during the commemoration, so bring warm clothes. The silent procession takes several hours, depending on your place in the procession. The last interested party usually arrives at the monument around 10 p.m.


Directions to Waalsdorpervlakte

Waalsdorpervlakte is located in the dunes between The Hague and Wassenaar. During Remembrance Day the area is only accessible via Oude Waalsdorperweg. All paths from Meijendel dunes and other directions are closed. Due to traffic during the Remembrance Day service, it is advisable to travel by public transport.

From Station Den Haag Centraal bus 22 (towards Duinzigt) takes 20 minutes to get to Waalsdorperweg. The walk to Oude Waalsdorperweg from the bus stop is approximately 5 - 10 minutes. It is also possible to take bus line 23 towards Duindorp from Station Den Haag Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië and Station Voorburg. Get off at Ziekenhuis Bronovo stop and then walk towards Waalsdorpervlakte.

Drivers should head towards the Landscheidingsweg / Oude Waalsdorperweg crossroads and can leave their vehicles in the neighbouring residential area. From there, the walk to the monument at Waalsdorpervlakte is approximately 15 minutes.



Bourdonklok op de Waalsdorpervlakte
The Bourdon Clock.
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