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Children's Book Museum

Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5, 2595 BE The Hague
Kinderen in het Datecafe van het Kinderboekenmuseum
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Museum genre
Youth, Literature
Number of persons
Family outing, Birthday party
070 333 9666

The Children's Book Museum in The Hague is an interactive and inspiring place where children and adults can discover the magic of children's books. With playful exhibitions, digital and physical experiences, and well-known characters from children's literature, the museum stimulates the imagination and fosters a love of reading.


A magical journey through stories

The Children's Book Museum in The Hague introduces children to children's literature in a playful way. Learning, experiencing and doing are at the heart of the museum visit. All the museum's exhibitions and workshops stimulate children's imagination and encourage pleasure in reading children's books. Besides guided tours, the museum also organises museum courses for primary and secondary schools.


Het Kinderboekenmuseum biedt een betoverende ervaring voor jong en oud met interactieve tentoonstellingen die de magie van kinderboeken tot leven brengen. Daarnaast zijn er regelmatig wisselende exposities die inspireren en verrassen met originele illustraties, schrijversportretten en bijzondere boekverhalen. Met een dynamisch aanbod nodigt het museum iedereen uit om de kracht van verhalen te ontdekken en de liefde voor lezen te stimuleren.

The Children's Book Museum has exhibitions for children of different ages.

  • For children aged 7 and above, there is the exciting Papiria exhibition. Together with familiars such as Dolfje Weerwolfje, Minoes and Pippi Longstocking, they defeat Squid.
  • Children aged 0 to 6 can visit the exhibition I am Frog or ABC with the animals. Duriing the exhibition I am Frog, children go on an adventure in the world of Kikker. In ABC with the animals, familiar characters such as Rupsje Nooitgenoeg, Elmo, Fox and Hare, Little Polar Bear and Miffy pass by. The playful exhibition is a feast of recognition and at the same time an adventure full of new discoveries. And children playfully discover letters, sounds and rhyming words. And the pleasure of reading aloud.
  • In Annie M.G. Schmidt’s Bold and Brassy Kids they experience a wonderful adventure through the contrary world of the queen of Dutch children's literature. 
  • Martijn van der Linden is Children's Book Ambassador of the Netherlands and he is committed to getting everyone to read. But what is an ambassador without an embassy...? At the Children's Book Museum, you will therefore find a real Children's Book Embassy. At this beautiful and inspiring location, everyone can share the magic of stories and you can become a Book Ambassador yourself! 
  • In The Storytime Tent, (grand)parents and their children experience the magic of books and stories. In a small, intimate setting, adults read aloud while the children enrich the story through various ambient sounds and projections. This is how picture books come to life! 

Together with the Literary Museum, the Children's Book Museum is housed in the Royal Library building. The main entrance of the complex provides access to the museum entrance, which is located on the first floor. The KB complex is located between Central Station and the Utrechtse baan (A12) in The Hague. Travel by train, tram or bus to The Hague Central Station. There you take the side exit of track twelve (the Randstadrail). If you walk straight ahead, you will reach the entrance to the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB complex).

If you come by car, from Prins Clausplein, keep on the A12 towards The Hague (Utrechtsebaan). Take exit 2 (P-Centrum) and use Prins Willem-Alexanderweg 5 as your navigation address. Right next to the museum is the Central Station/New Babylon car park.

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