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Welkom bij de Secret Ping Pong Bar van Den Haag. Huur een geheime kamer en laat je vaardigheden zien aan de pingpongtafel of bekijk privé een wedstrijd op ons grote scherm.

Amaze VR - 30% discount on Secret Ping Pong Bar

Valid until 31 Dec 2025

Welcome to the Secret Ping Pong Bar of The Hague. Rent a secret room and show your skills at the ping pong table or watch a match privately on the big screen.


Rent a secret room at Amaze's Secret Ping Pong Bar and show your skills at the ping pong table or watch a match privately on our big screen. Play your own music from an iPad or rent DJ gear. Have you worked up an appetite? No problem. In addition to playing ping pong balls, you can also order beer, cocktails and snacks. The perfect outing for a team of 2-8 people for a fun evening with a 30% discount! 

Where and how?

With the TheHaguePass you get a 30% discount for online bookings via the Secret Ping Pong website. A maximum of 1 discount is valid per booking. Use Code: DHPASSECRETPING code at the last step of the online reservation process. Only for online reservations. You must show the TheHaguePas in the app upon entry.

Duration of this promotion

The promotion lasts until December 31st, 2025 

About Amaze Virtual Reality

Do you want to respond to today's technology and give your friends or colleagues an impressive day? Then Virtual Reality is definitely something for you to experience! With an open layout and a variety of games and experiences at Amaze Virtual Reality, there is something fun for all ages!

Would you like to take advantage of this promotion?

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