The stage for comedy
Diligentia has versatile programming full of artists who each use humour in their own unique way to tell their story. A story that can be chilling, heartbreakingly absurd, that you can identify with or that will make you cry with laughter. Diligentia believes in the powerful and disarming effect of humour.
The wide and shallow theatre hall, which allows interaction between performer and audience, is perfectly suited for cabaret. Although the theatre looks traditional with its red, plush seats and gold details, you will see innovative artists on stage who are not afraid to break with tradition where necessary.
History and architecture
Diligentia is gevestigd in een monumentaal pand op het Lange Voorhout. In 1805 werden er twee zalen in het pand gebouwd waar de Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Natuurkunde vergaderde en hun onderzoeken ontwikkelden en presenteerden. Dit deden zij onder de naam ‘Diligentia’. Vanaf 1821 verhuurde de Koninklijke Maatschappij de zalen ook aan een nieuw gezelschap, Concert in Diligentia, dat klassieke concerten verzorgde. In 1853 werden de twee zalen samengevoegd tot één zaal; de brede en ondiepe zaal zoals die nu nog steeds in het theater te zien is.
Diligentia is fully accessible for wheelchair users. In addition, the theatre has an installation for the hearing impaired. More information about the facilities for visitors with disabilities can be found on Diligentia's website.
Route description
Travelling by car? Within walking distance of the theatre you will find the car parks Interparking Museumkwartier, Q-park Malieveld and Parkeergarage Parkstraat. There are three disabled parking spaces right in front of Diligentia's entrance. These are publicly available and cannot be reserved.
Visitors coming by bicycle can park their bikes in front of Diligentia.
Diligentia is easily accessible by public transport. There are bus and tram stops within walking distance. Check 9292.nl for the most up-to-date travel information.