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Theater in de steeg

Westeinde 165a, 2512 GX The Hague
070 364 84 08

In an alley on the Westeinde in The Hague you will find a small and cosy theatre, which can accommodate about eighty visitors. Witness it for yourself in the entrance hall where the relaxed atmosphere of a cosy theatre prevails. The Theater in de steeg is an intimate and attractive theatre located in the heart of The Hague. It is a few minutes walk away from the entertainment centre of The Hague. There are also several parking garages within walking distance of the theatre.

The theatre has a theatre hall, where the audience sits close to the stage. Artists, actors, musicians and small theatre companies experience this contact with the audience as quite personal and familiar. The Theater in de steeg is ideal for groups, which attracts an audience of around sixty to seventy people per performance. The theatre offers space for stage performances, cabaret performances, music performances, try-outs, practicing in the role of performing arts, but also for social-cultural meetings, lectures and meetings.

The theatre has good sound equipment and lighting and also meets all safety requirements.

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