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Guided tours

The Hague Bunker Day

Verschillende bunkers van de Atlantikwall zijn gezamenlijk open voor publiek
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The Dutch coast is still full of World War II bunkers. Saturday 24 May 2025 is Bunkerdag and you can visit the often inconspicuously hidden bunkers in the landscape between 10am and 5pm. These range from Zeeland to the Wadden Islands with the Atlantic Wall bunkers collectively open to the public

A unique look

The concrete colossi are often restricted access. Sometimes sunk into the sand or taken over by nature, they still tell the story of the German occupation. During guided tours, walks and short lectures, visitors discover how soldiers lived in the bunkers and what impact the Atlantic Wall had on the many coastal inhabitants.  

Atlantic Wall 
The European coast literally turned into a fortress during the German occupation. During the Second World War, Nazi Germany built a 6,200 kilometer long defense line: the Atlantic Wall. Countless bunkers, tank walls and trenches, built in strategic places, are still silent witnesses of this. The construction of the Atlantic Wall had very far-reaching consequences for residents in the coastal region. 

Bunker day 
Anyone who has ever been curious about the concrete structures along the coast can go on a voyage of discovery on Saturday 24th of May 2025. Along the entire Dutch coast, special bunkers will be open and volunteers will tell more about the huge impact of the war. For a list of bunkers to visit, go to the website of bunker day


In the The Hague area, the Clingendael Command Post in Wassenaar, also known as the 'Seyss-Inquart bunker', will be opened to the public especially during Bunker Day. Due to the expected interest, visitors should take some waiting time into account. There is a maximum/limited number of visitors in the bunker at the same time.

The bunker was built during 1942 and 1943 and was intended as a safe shelter for the Reich Commissioner Seyss-Inquart and his staff (hence the name: the Seyss-Inquart bunker). He himself lived further away in Huize Clingendael. The unique bunker is referred to as Sondernbau because of its shape and dimensions. There is no second copy. The bunker itself is sixty meters long, thirty meters wide and fifteen meters high and camouflaged as a barn.

From 1948 to 1989 (at the fall of the Wall), this bunker was used operationally by Defense for, among other things, a number of very important operations during the Cold War. That is where the name Commando Post Clingendael originated.

The volunteers of the Atlantic Wall Museum The Hague will guide visitors through the bunker. The history and use of the bunker will be explained in the Atlantic Wall Information Center. The route through the bunker takes about 30 minutes. In order to receive as many visitors as possible, it is important to keep moving as much as possible. Due to the air quality in the bunker, wearing a face mask is mandatory. These are handed out on location. The bunker is not suitable for disabled people, small children and pets.

In order to reflect on the far-reaching consequences of the Atlantic Wall, there are also all kinds of activities for young and old in addition to bunker viewings. Actors show what life was like in and around the bunkers. During walks and tours, the stories of the neighborhood and its inhabitants are revived. Historic vehicles drive visitors back and forth between the various bunker locations. Film screenings with historical images take us back to times gone by. There is an assignment booklet especially for children to learn more about this piece of history.  

The entire program can be viewed one month in advance at the website of Bunker Day. Tickets are available on the day at the various bunker locations.  

Ticket sales
With the admission ticket for the Bunkerdag all open bunkers can be visited. The Bunker Day tickets will be sold at the locations. You can't always pay with a debit card here, so don't forget to bring cash. 

  • Adult (13+) €7.50 
  • Children (4-12 years) €4 
  • Children (0-3 years) Free

Dates and Times

Saturday 24 May 2025
10:00 - 17:00
€ 4,00 - € 7,50
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