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MaMa Kelly

Mama Kelly makes way for second Loetje

Steak instead of chicken and lobster.

6 Dec 2021

Text: Ferdinand Korff de Gidts


The chickens and lobsters from Mama Kelly, located on the Binckhorst, will be replaced next year for Loetje's steaks. The well-known steak restaurant that originated in Amsterdam opens its second location in this industrial location next to its successful location in The Hague Bluf. For Loetje, which is now part of Restaurant Company Europe (Happy Italy, Beers en Barrels, Stan&CO), this is the 26th location in the Netherlands.

Beroemde biefstuk van restaurant Loetje
The tenderloin steak, swimming in homemade gravy: that's what it's all about at Loetje.

Mama Kelly's interior has always attracted a lot of attention. Guests liked to pull out their phones to record the case and its interpretation. The neon letters with 'Gues Where I Am?' was a real online hit. Good news for lovers of this interior: the complete furniture will be auctioned online. You can bid on the BVA platform up to and including Tuesday 7 December.

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