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Haagse Vrijwillige ReddingsBrigade (HVRB)

What do the flags on the beach mean?

The sun shines. Day at the beach. Parasol, towel, food and drink, sunscreen, everything you need to enjoy the sea! Delicious isn't it? We are happy to give you some tips on how to do it safely!

Tips for a safe day at the beach 

  • Go for a swim when there is lifeguard (you can recognize this by the red-yellow flags on the beach) 
  • Look at the color of the flag 
  • Always go into the sea with someone 
  • Go into the sea up to knee height 
  • Do you have a question? Go to a rescue station 
  • Sit near a recognizable beach pole 
  • Give your child a wristband with your details 
  • Never go into the sea alone Never go into the sea 
  • with an air mattress 
  • Do not go into the sea if you can't swim

Lost child - point out the Miffy poles to your kids

Children can easily get lost on crowded beaches. Give your child a wristband with the name and with your (mobile) telephone number or place on the beach. You pick up a free wristband at 1 of the beach posts. Agree on a fixed spot on the beach, for example the 'Miffy poles' or beach pavilions. Is your child missing for 15 minutes or more? Report this to the rescue brigade or the police. Lost children are often taken here.

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Haagse Vrijwillige ReddingsBrigade (HVRB)
Haagse Vrijwillige ReddingsBrigade (HVRB)

Beach security

The lifeguards of the Haaglanden Safety Region (VRH) and the Hague Voluntary Rescue Brigade (HVRB) ensure the safety of beach visitors, water sports enthusiasts and swimmers on the beaches of The Hague! Lifeguards ensure your safety during a day at the beach in Scheveningen, on the Zuiderstrand and at Kijkduin.

Where are the beach security posts?

  • Strandpost 2 Kop Kijkduin, Deltaplein 
  • Strandpost 3 Duindorp, Duivelandsestraat 
  • Strandpost 4 Seinpostduin, Keizerstraat 
  • Strandpost 5 Scheveningse Boulevard, near the Pier
Website of the Hague Voluntary Rescue Brigade

What do the flags on the beach in The Hague mean? 

During a day at the beach or at the water you often see different colored flags fluttering at the post of the Rescue Brigade. But what exactly do those flags mean? Before you lie down on your towel, check which flag has been hoisted! 

Below is a list of the meaning of the flags of the Rescue Brigade.

  • The orange windsock: You can bathe and swim. But the use of floating objects (rubber boats, air mattresses, swimming rings) is not recommended because of the risk of drifting. 
  • The yellow flag: It is dangerous to bathe or swim. Usually this has to do with the weather. Floating objects are not recommended. 
  • The red flag: The sea is very dangerous to swim in. It is strongly advised not to bathe or swim. 
  • The red and yellow flags: The area between the two flags is a guarded bathing area. Lifeguards keep watch within this zone. Water sports are prohibited in this zone. 
  • The black and white checkered flags: In the zone between the two flags you are allowed to practice water sports.
Uitleg strandvlaggen
Red flag: forbidden to swim, yellow dangerous, yellow-red lifeguards present in the area
Uitleg strandvlaggen
Orange windsock: no air mattresses etc. black-bit checkered, water sports allowed. Question mark, a child is missing
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