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Places in The Hague for book lovers!


Research has shown that paper books and bookshops still have appeal! Not only to get lost and escape in an interesting story or other world, but books always have something magical because they are something timeless. In The Hague there are many places where you can find paper books. In addition to regular large bookshops and local bookshops, there are also book cafes, children's bookshops and museums. Check out the tips below that a bookworm should not miss!

De Vries en Van Stockum
De Vries van Stockum Passage
Bookstores De Vries en Van Stockum in the Passage.

Bookstores and bookshops in The Hague

De Vries Van Stockum and The English Bookstore in Passage

One of the oldest bookshops in The Hague with two branches in the Passage. The spacious shops contain thousands of books and are certainly worth a visit for reading enthusiasts.

Colette & Co BoekhandelReinkenstraat 45

You will fall in love with this local iconic bookshop in the Reinkenstraat! The towering stacks of books on chairs, in crates and boxes invite you on an extensive and magical quest. Beautiful gems for a cheap price!

American Book Center - Lange Poten 23

This family bookshop is a special address in the middle of the city centre. Passionate and quirky staff and English books everywhere. You can even make and sell your own books there. They also advise schools for English-language books and work with various entrepreneurs in the city to provide an international 'book buffet'.

De Haagse Boekerij - Frederikstraat 24

The orange awning of this bookshop immediately catches the eye! An independent store with neatly sorted shelves full of quality titles and lots of color. Note! A very large collection of postcards indexes to browse through. From greeting cards (without cheerful texts) by theme to art cards, by name.

De Haagse Kinderboekhandel Alice in Wonderland - Piet Heinstraat 2

This bookstore is not to be missed in the creative Zeeheldenkwartier district! Two passionate owners with their love for illustrations and children's books. The yellow facade, window decorations and decoration will make you happy! In addition to picture books and children's books for all age groups, there is also a puppet theater, children's theater and toys.

Omeros Books - Molenstraat 25

An unusual and unique bookshop found on Molenstraat in The Hague's Hofkwartier district. You can find publisher's remnants ('ramsj') from America, England, Germany and the Netherlands. Are you interested in books on history/WOI and WWII, literature, poetry, art, philosophy, music graphic novels and cooking? Then you have come to the right place!

Alice in Wonderland boekenwinkel Zeeheldenkwartier
Villa Paagman
These bookshops are a paradise for children!
The American Book Center
The English Bookstore
The American Book Center and The English Bookstore for the English speaking readers!

The Hague book cafes

Paagman - Lange Poten 41 & Frederik Hendriklaan 217

Two branches in beautiful buildings in The Hague. The building in the center has two floors and a  glass rooftop. The building on the Frederik Hendriklaan consists of three parts, including the children's reading paradise Villa Paagman. Enjoy the delicious menu and the authentic Canadian Rocky Mountain Kicking Horse Coffee in the cafe.

The Bookstor Cafe - Noordeinde 39

Beloved coffee hotspot hidden in a monumental bookshop on Noordeinde. Bookstor is a place where you step in and wonder is it a bookstore, a living room, a lunchroom or a monument? It's it all!

Libraries in The Hague

Central Library - Spui 68

At the Spui/Kalvermarkt intersection you will find the Central Library in the white building designed by American architect Richard Meier. Open to the public and a look inside is worth it! You will find a cozy reading cafĂ©, extensive collections of books and magazines that can be read and borrowed. There is plenty to do, such as exhibitions, children's activities and lectures.

The Chamber of Dealings - Plein 2a en 2b

The Chamber of Dealings in the House of Representatives may call itself one of the most beautiful libraries in the Netherlands. The red library in Neo-Dutch Renaissance style has many Chinese influences. Marvel at the graceful green with red interior and striking cast iron balustrades and spiral staircases and the striking stained glass roof. Access is only on Heritage Day or special opening days.

Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Royal Library) - Prins Willem Alexanderhof 5

You can already see the letters KB glossy in gold on the building next to The Hague CS train station. Grown into a nationally and internationally renowned scientific organization in over 200 years with the intention of collecting the national heritage of printed papers. Since the 1990s, the Koninklijke Bibliotheek has been doing this digitally with the arrival of everything online and less paper. Discover fun and interesting facts and tidbits here.

Rode trap sierkrullen neo-Hollandse renaissaincestijl tweede kamer monument
Architecture sights The Central Library and the Chamber of Deeds of the Binnenhof.

Museums for the book lover!

Kinderboekenmuseum/ Literatuurmuseum Den Haag - Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5

The Literature Museum and the Children's Book Museum (only Dutch spoken books) are housed in the KB building close to the trainstation Den Haag CS. For the little ones a colorful picture book world, but also for young people of about 14 years there are changing exhibitions. For adults there are manuscripts, letters, photographs, paintings, illustrations and objects in the field of Dutch literature.

Huis van het Boek (House of the book)  - Prinsessegracht 30 

The oldest book museum in the world. The book room is a unique example of 19th-century museum furnishings and has been preserved entirely in this style. The museum focuses on the written and printed book in the past and present. For example, there is a working printing press on the attic floor that you can try out. Anyone who thinks that the museum is 'dusty' is wrong! There are regular activities and music for all ages.

19de eeuwse Boekzaal - Huis van het Boek
BoekenZOO, Huis van het boek
In the House of the Book are you stepping back in time, or not?

Book events in The Hague

In addition to book signings and book presentations in bookshops and libraries, there are also regular literary events in the city:

Also visit the Antique and Book Market in The Hague
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