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Jess Tom - Opening Night No Limits Festival

ess Thom (VK) & Els Àngels no tenen fills (Catalan/SP)
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The opening night of the STET No Limits Festival features a keynote speech on pushing the limits of inclusivity by founder of Touretteshero, Jess Thom. Followed by the performance Els Àngels no tenen fills (Catalan/SP) about maternity and disabled people.

19:00 Opening speech by Jess Thom

We are delighted to welcome British theatre maker, comedian and founder of Touretteshero, Jess Thom to open No Limits Festival with her keynote speech on pushing the limits of inclusivity.

The keynote speech will be followed by talks from our line-up of speakers: 

  • Willemijn Haasken (Het Nationale Theater / HNT Onbeperkt)
  • Jennifer Cosgrave (The British Council)
  • Ieder(in) (De Week van de Toegankelijkheid)
  • Fabian Pikula (Creative Access Lab).

Lastly, there Boaz Blume will give a poetry performance.

After the speakers' programme, visit the performance Els Àngels no tenen fills (Catalan/SP) on motherhood/fatherhood for people with disabilities.

Els Àngels no tenen fills

Dates and Times

Friday 4 October
€ 19,50 - 35,00
Normal € 25,00
Younger then 30 years € 19,50
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