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The Vagina Monologues

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Written 27 years ago, Vagina Monologues is based on the ‘Vagina Interviews’ that writer V conducted with 200 women around the world. This collection of funny, vivid and emotional monologues represents the untold experiences of women in a powerful theatrical experience, presented for the first time in a British sign language performance on this scale; a not-to-be-missed celebration of femininity and sexuality.

Extra introductory show Kitchen's Light

Short stories and poetry in Dutch Sign Language

Kitchen’s Light is a group of performers who give their own presentations in their native language, Dutch Sign Language (NGT). Kitchen’s Light was founded in 2019, after a series of workshops by spoken word artist Elten Kiene.

The group brings ‘signed word’ performances, individually or collectively, in freestyle pieces, classical sign poetry and ‘visual vernacular’ (an ‘own’ form of presentation of sign languages). Story telling and sign dancing (songs and music translated into sign language) are also in the repertoire.

Dates and Times

Saturday 5 October
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