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Het stille Zuiderstrand vanaf de zee gezien. Mensen wandelen langs de vloedlijn.



To boast yet again; as a city by the sea, you are of course unique. Especially if you have no less than 11 kilometres of coastline like The Hague. Lovely to get a breath of fresh air, have a drink on a terrace or lie in the sun for hours. But there is so much more to experience by the sea. Of that 11 kilometres of coast, every stretch of beach and dune has its own atmosphere with its own nature and special inhabitants such as Scottish Highlanders, foxes or the common whitethroat. Here you will find an overview of what and who you can meet in the dunes and on the beach. And activities you can do to help preserve nature so we can enjoy it for a long time to come.

The Hague beach and nature

Little grows and blooms on the beach itself but the dunes are a source of much greenery. Westduin Park is one of The Hague's largest nature reserves. It connects Kijkduin to Scheveningen. Many protected plant and animal species live in the area. There is a lot to tell about this area. That is why an excursion with a forest ranger is a good idea.

Did you know that many edible plants grow in dunes? For example, one berry of the sea buckthorn offers 3 to 60 times more vitamin C than an orange. In the dunes, wild picking is prohibited because it is an internationally protected nature reserve. So go out once with forester Edwin and learn all about all the goodies you find in the dunes. He has an exemption to give this kind of educational walk under strict conditions.

Beach perfume
You probably know the dune rose with its beautiful white flowers. But above all, get to know the wrinkle rose. With its bright pink flowers it is already fantastic and in summer when they bloom they also make the dunes smell delicious. A feast to walk or cycle through.

Mooiste stranden en wijken

Which beach of The Hague is the spot for me?

One berry of the sea buckthorn contains 3 to 60 times more vitamin C than an orange!
Duindoorn foto facebook Bosbaas Edwin
Rimpelroos Natuur strand Westduingebied
This little berry is packed with vitamin C and just grows in the dunes. (Photo: Bosbaas Edwin). The beautiful and wonderfully fragrant wrinkle rose.

Westduin Park

The dunes of The Hague fall under the National Park Hollandse Duinen and start at Kijkduin (Sand Motor) and run all the way to Scheveningen (Water Tower). Westduin Park is one of The Hague's largest nature reserves. It connects Kijkduin to Scheveningen. The protected dune park near the Zuiderstrand has a very varied landscape with dense afforestation and open plains, damp dune valleys and high dune tops, bunker remnants from World War II and Scottish Highlanders roaming freely. So there is plenty to see and, thanks to the many walking, cycling and riding trails, an ideal nature area to get a breath of fresh air.

The extraordinary sand motor marks the beginning of the Hague section of National Park Hollandse Duinen.

Animals by the sea

You come across a wide variety of animals in the dunes and on the beach. Like the "Strandbeest" (beach anima)l. The beach animal is not a real animal but a design by artist Theo Jansen. If you are lucky, you might see the master at work testing one of his special beach animals on the beach. Frankly, you are more likely to encounter a Scottish Highlander or a fox or a herd of sheep crossing the dunes at Kijkduin. Also special! 

Say beach, say seagulls. They belong (unfortunately). Meanwhile, these birds are so bold that they are no longer afraid of people. So watch out if you are sunbathing on the beach! They will snatch the tasty snacks from your bag in no time. You are not safe in the city centre either. While you want to take a nice bite of your fresh herring, the seagull literally snatches it right in front of you.

Strandbeest van Theo Jansen te zien op het strand, lucht met veel wolken.
If you are lucky, you will come across a beach beast by Theo Jansen.

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Activities on the beach

Do you get bored after only ten minutes sunbathing and prefer to be active? And do you prefer to do something useful too? Then these activities will definitely appeal to you!

Not much grows on the beach itself, but in the sea all the more. How about seaweed? Nowadays widely used in cooking. With Toine the Seaweed Man, go in search of the plant-based salty snacks of the North Sea. Educational, interactive and a delicious mini tasting afterwards. While feasting, you contribute to a better world. 

Doing good! 
Besides taking a cycling or walking tour, you can also be active in other ways. Help clean up the beach with Trashure Hunt, enjoy the beach and sports in one with a unique Pullkatour and children can learn all about beachcombing at Ome Jan's Jutterskeet.
Would you rather watch activity than take action yourself? Then enjoy the skills of surfers at Scheveningen. You'll find them mainly at the harbour head.

PullkaPhonics 2 - Foto Alex Buiter.jpg
Jutterskeet van Ome Jan Kijkduin
With these tours, you are not only active but also sustainable!
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