Turn on the lights of the Christmas Tree Lange Voorhout
Come to Lange Voorhout to see the Christmas lights come on together in the Swedish Christmas tree!
An old, beloved tradition in the heart of The Hague
The lights of the Swedish Christmas tree on the Lange Voorhout will be festively lit again this year. The Lucia festival is also celebrated around the Christmas tree ceremony, the festival of lights that marks the start of the Christmas season in Sweden. In front of Museum Escher in the Palace on the Lange Voorhout there are free performances by choirs and you can get into the Christmas spirit while enjoying mulled wine and hot chocolate.
The Christmas tree on Lange Voorhout in The Hague is traditionally a gift from Sweden. The Embassy of Sweden, Association Neighbourhood Centre 2005 and Museum Escher in Het Paleis invite everyone to celebrate the annual lighting of the lights. This year, the tree will be lit around 18:30 by the (deputy) mayor (Robert van Asten), Theo Heere (Buurtschap centrum 2005) and H.E. Ambassador Johannes Oljelund.
Lucia party
The Lucia festival is a typical Swedish festival of lights that is celebrated on December 13, Saint Lucia's name day. The tradition stems from the ancient midwinter light festival. Early in the morning, girls in white clothes and with candles on their heads wake up the family and the elderly, singing special Lucia songs. In the 20th century, the Lucia festival has spread to the rest of Sweden and neighboring countries. In Sweden, the Lucia festival now marks the beginning of the Christmas season.
- 18:00 Gathering on the square in front of Museum Escher in het Paleis, Lange Voorhout 74, The Hague
- 18:30 Speeches and lighting of Christmas tree lights
- 18:40 Lucia choir
- 18:55 End of performance.