Myths, Patterns and Dialogues
Pim Velthuizen en Dimitri van der Werf present the duo exhibition Myths, patterns and dialogues. Pim Velthuizen creates digital, partly abstract works that he draws by hand and builds up with his computer in many layers and patterns. He finds inspiration in Western and Eastern mysticism, in ideas about man's connection with the boundless cosmos. In his digital works, he harks back to ancient myths and holy books with colourful and abstract symbols.
Dimitri van der Werf creates artworks with the assistance of AI. In duo portraits, he highlights the connection between humans and animals, which is under increasing pressure. He uses AI's algorithms to create photorealistic portraits that transcend reality. His works are also based on a process of manual digital image processing. Pim Velthuizen and Dimitri van der Werf pay close attention to finishing and present their works in museum quality.
In their joint exhibition, Pim Velthuizen and Dimitri van der Werf create a visual dialogue that highlights the intertwining of technology, nature and spirituality in our society. Ancient myths about the connection between humans and animals and between humans and the cosmos resonate in their work. They embrace the digital revolution that is rapidly changing the world and invite the viewer to reflect on our place in this new world.
In this exhibition, Pim Velthuizen and Dimitri van der Werf present works that they have created separately. They also work together as an artist duo.