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Looking for a comprehensive list of all kinds of venues in The Hague? From beach bars, museums and shops to bars, Hague's hidden gems and galleries. Find them below.

Boekhandel Couvée-Benoordenhaeghe

Bookshop Couvée-Benoordenhaeghe in the Van Hoytemastraat is the nicest bookshop in Benoordenhout.

Boekhandel Couvée-Benoordenhaeghe


Beachclub Culpepper is the most sustainable beachclub of Scheveningen.

Beachclub Culpepper Scheveningen

Cycle and the City

Cycle and the City operates Dutch language cycling tours of The Hague on golden bikes.

Cycle and the City groepsfoto bij Vredespaleis

Theater and Filmhuis Dakota

Theater and Filmhuis Dakota is located in the middle of the Escamp district in The Hague

Theater en Filmhuis Dakota

Beachclub Day by Day

Beachclub Day by Day is located opposite the Grand Hotel Amrâth Kurhaus.

Beachclub Day by Day Scheveningen

Design Museum Dedel

Design Museum Huis Dedel's collection consists of advertising and design on a broad level.

Foto van 1 van de kamers in Design Museum Dedel


Denneweg, once the definitive antiques street, is a must for lifestyle and design lovers.

Straatbeeld van de Denneweg

Cheese Specialist Didier Lachèvre

Located in the charming Theresiastraat you will find the authentic cheese specialist.

Kaasspecialist Zuivelland Didier Lachèvre

Dorpsstraat Zoetermeer

The Dorpsstraat is located in the historic part of Zoetermeer.

Dorpsstraat Zoetermeer


DownUnderBeach offers a unique combination of good food and drinks, fun events.

DownUnderBeach Scheveningen


Drang is located in a beautiful place in the heart of the city of The Hague.


Familypark Drievliet

Hét familiepark met 35 grote attracties, een speeltuin en diverse shows.


Holiday and amusement park Duinrell

Duinrell amusement park has dozens of attractions, cozy shops and dazzling shows.

Duinrell in Wassenaar


The Duinzichtkerk is located on the van Hogenhoucklaan in The Hague.


Duitse Kerk

The German Church is a neo-Gothic church building from 1860-1861,located in the center of The Hague.

Duitse Kerk Den Haag

Duivenvoorde Castle

Duivenvoorde Castle is located in a quiet area surrounded by nature.

Kasteel Duivenvoorde Voorschoten - foto Sake Witteveen

Dungelmann in the new Passage

The Dungelmann croquette and the bun with meatballs in particular have become a notion in Den Haag!

Dungelmann Nieuwe Passage

Dürst Britt & Mayhew

Gallery Dürst Britt & Mayhew was founded by curator Jaring Dürst.

Galerie Dürst Britt & Mayhew
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