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Een tafel met deelnemers die meedoen aan de Pubquiz

Every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month Hoender & Hop have another ultra exciting Pub Quiz evening. The 1st is in English and the 3rd is in Dutch.

An evening of brain-teasing

The ‘Hoender en Hop Pubquiz’ is a lively and fun quiz night that takes place every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at Hoender en Hop on the atmospheric Grote Markt. Get ready for a quiz with a mix of questions ranging from general knowledge and pop culture to history, science, music, and local facts.

Want to participate? Register by email (info@hoenderenhop.nl) reserve with your team (max 6 participants per group). All that brain-teasing will make you pretty hungry, so book a specially made quiz dinner deal with finger-licking chicken, fresh fries and homemade apple sauce (veg option available) for only €17.50 per person plus a guaranteed spot in the Pubquiz.

Prefer to come after dinner? Then the cost is €10 per team. This is based on availability, so if you want to be sure of a spot, join us for dinner

Practical information

  • 6 p.m. - Quiz dinner
  • 20:00 - Start PubQuiz 
  • Max 5 participants per team 
City center
Visit website

Dates and Times

Monday 3 March
Monday 7 April
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