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HIIIT Invites

City center
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During HIIIT Invites, HIIIT (formerly Slagwerk Den Haag) presents a wide range of new music, performances and installations. In home base The Hague, Theater aan het Spui will be transformed into an opera house, gallery and nightclub all in one during this multifaceted mini-festival! Including a sneak preview of the new Poulson Sq. and the release of Kate Moore's CASSINI.


  • 19:00 Violence & Vibrato - Huba de Graaff (Hall 2)
  • 20.00 Miniatures (foyer, continuous)
  • 20.15 Battles & Silences - Poulson Sq. (Hall 1)
  • 20.35 Hands - Yannis Kyriakides (Hall 1)
  • 20.55 Inviting the Producer: JLIN (Hall 1)
  • 21.30 CASSINI - Kate Moore (Hall 2)
  • 22.30 Sunrise for the Sleepers - Boris Acket (Hall 1)
  • 23.30 - 00:30 Upsammy LIVE (Hall 2)

Dates and Times

Thursday 19 September
€ 12,50 - 22,50
Regular € 22,50
Young people up to 30 years € 12,50
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