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Pablo Fontdevila - The Visit

City center
Age category
Visit website

The Visit is a moving solo about ageing, loneliness and the search for meaningful connection. Performing remotely via video call, The Visit hijacks the computer screen to evoke ghostly apparitions in the audience. Playing with sound and silences, with light, shadow and movement, this intimate and silent performance suspends time with poetic reflections and personal anecdotes.

In a room with scattered traces of a party, the audience is welcomed via a laptop by an absent performer. After a brief introduction, they are invited to turn off the lights, turn their chairs around and sit with their backs to the computer. For the rest of the performance, they listen in the dark and follow text, sound, light and shadow as they travel through space.

The Visit was developed within the framework of ‘Vision with/out Image’ as Pablo Fontdevila's artistic project at the Master in Theatre, Toneelacademie Maastricht.

Dates and Times

Friday 1 November
€ 12,50 - 16,50
Normal € 16,50
Young people up to 30 years € 12,50
Friday 1 November
€ 12,50 - 16,50
Normal € 16,50
Young people up to 30 years € 12,50
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