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Amos Peled - The Machine Sleeps Tonight

The Machine Sleeps Tonight Amos Peled
City center
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The Machine Sleeps Tonight is an extension of Peled's ongoing appropriation of modern medical technologies and their use as performative instruments, casting critical perspectives on our shifting definition of health.

As for now, no one is present in the room; neither doctor nor patient. Only an anaesthesia machine, taking a deep breath, releasing air from its mechanical lungs, breathing at a steady calm pace.  A big shadow is cast upon the room - an inflated dog balloon, breathing in sync with the machine's ventilator, winking at its saviour with its single black eye.

Following the traditions of medical clowns and art in the medical environment, Peled is searching for methods that not only lean on escapist encounters but also seek to voice dark humor, doubt, and suffering.

Dates and Times

Tuesday 1 April
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