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     The exhibition "Everything=Good" in West The Hague by artist Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
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Resistance and (apparent) arbitrariness are recurring themes in the oeuvre of Belgian artist Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven. Every year, West presents a continuous overview exhibition about artists for whom life and art are inextricably linked. For more than four decades, Van Kerckhoven has been writing and painting, she makes music, printed matter and film and has developed her own language. She works with themes such as feminism, loneliness and nihilism and knows how to stimulate thinking in a pleasant way. This long-running exhibition offers a glimpse into the life of this powerful artist and allows us to reflect on the role of art in our lives.

From appropriated slightly pornographic images and pin-ups to artificial intelligence, Van Kerckhoven maneuvers through the different layers of society. By playing with images and clichés, she pulls apart concepts such as gender and places them back in a hyperreal and abrasive context. The different works bring together a chaos of contradictions. Categories such as male-female, human-nature, attraction-disgust and alienation-connection are diffused in an associative way. Her motivation is not unequivocal and the viewer must also surrender to the complexity of her work.

Van Kerckhoven has been experimenting with artificial intelligence since the 1990s. Can we learn something about how we function by mirroring ourselves to a machine or program? Through the alienation of the artificial, we may gain insight into our unconscious and our drives, provided that we ourselves do not also partly consist of programming, sequences and systems. In this way, Van Kerckhoven shows the connection between art, science, politics, social themes and image formation in a surprising way.

Throughout the year, Van Kerckhoven shows new work and a selection of works from her entire oeuvre. In this way an ever-changing installation is formed, an installation as a collage in itself. In addition, the exhibition is provided with a side program, where the visitor can look for extra depth, and perhaps recognition.

Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK (1951), lives and works in Antwerp. Since the mid-1970s she has been working on a rich oeuvre of drawings and paintings on paper and synthetic material, video and multimedia installations. She also founded the noise band Club Moral with artist Danny Devos. Futurism, feminism, eroticism and fetishism are overarching themes in her work. In 2022 she will receive an honorary doctorate from the University of Antwerp.

Van Kerckhoven had solo presentations at Fridericianum, Kassel: The Renaissance Society, Chicago; Kunstverein Hannover, Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach; Kunstverein Munich; Kunsthalle Bern; WIELS, Brussels; Kunsthalle Nuremberg; M HKA, Antwerp; DAAD, Berlin and Kunstmuseum Lucerne.

Dates and Times

19 May 11 August
12:00 – 18:00
12:00 – 21:00
12:00 – 18:00
12:00 – 18:00
12:00 – 18:00
€ 3,00 - 12,50
Volwassenen € 12,50
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