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"ARTificial: Een Muzikale Dialoog Tussen Mens en Machine"

"ARTificial: Een Muzikale Dialoog Tussen Mens en Machine"
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"ARTificial: A Musical Dialogue Between Human and Machine" presents a captivating exploration of the fusion between human creativity and artificial intelligence.

Goodmesh Concours 2024

This performance, led by the visionary pianist and composer, Sterre Hond, serves as a promotional concert for the upcoming Goodmesh Concours 2024 edition, which continues to explore the theme of "ARTificial."

In this performance, Sterre embarks on a groundbreaking collaboration with AI, challenging the traditional boundaries of music-making and questioning the role of technology in the creative process. Together, they create a dynamic interplay between human expression and machine intelligence, blurring the lines between composer and instrument, creator and creation.
Through this innovative approach, Sterre invites us to ponder profound questions about the nature of art and the limits of human creativity. Can AI truly be a source of inspiration, or is it merely a tool to augment human expression? Is creativity a uniquely human trait, or can machines also contribute meaningfully to the artistic process?

As Sterre and AI engage in a captivating musical dialogue, they invite us to consider these questions and more, urging us to rethink our assumptions about the relationship between technology and art. Through their collaboration, they demonstrate the transformative power of music to transcend boundaries and unite us in a shared experience of beauty and wonder.
Join us for an exploration and discovery as Sterre Hond and AI challenge our perceptions and expand the possibilities of musical expression.

Dates and Times

Saturday 22 June
Goodmesh HQ Javastraat 80 D 2585 AS
€ 10,00 - 20,00
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