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Jazz in Pulchri Studio

iedere maand organiseert Podium De Nieuwe Kamer en Pulchri Studio een aantal gratis jazzconcerten
City center
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Be welcome every month for Jazz in Pulchri Studio. In cooperation with Podium De Nieuwe Kamer, Pulchri Studio organises a number of jazz concerts.

Jazz in the Museum Quarter

The concerts are held in Pulchri Studio's society hall and are under the artistic direction of an ever-changing experienced musician and a changing ensemble will perform a varied Jazz programme. After the start of the second set, musicians in attendance can play along in an organised session.

19:30 hrs - 20:30 hrs first set by band
21:00 - 22:30 second set by session

Dates and Times

Friday 28 February
€ 5,00 - 15,00
Friday 28 March
€ 5,00 - 15,00
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