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June Crespo - Their weft, the grass

Sculptuur van June Crespo met een sterke band met alledaagse voorwerpen
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Following her exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, world-renowned sculpture maker June Crespo opens her latest solo exhibition at 1646 in The Hague on 6 September, featuring new work and new site-specific installations. 

Special sculptures

June Crespo makes sculptures with a strong connection to everyday objects, the physical body and the spaces we inhabit. For her, these all become materials to work with and to think from.

In an intuitive way, she explores the physical qualities of these materials, both what is visible and what we cannot see. How they relate to each other and how they can be transformed into something else. But also their psychological qualities and what these new material arrangements evoke in us when we observe them.


A sense of transformation is an important aspect of the work. Changes in scale, materials, the perspective from which we view something, as well as connecting, become tools for changing the identity and our interpretation of things.

For the exhibition their weft, the grass, the artist poetically explores the connection between our bodies and architecture, between our inner self and the place in which we find ourselves

With this focus, the large interventions and sculptures in the exhibition can be seen as abstract architectural organs. Organs that pierce and break through walls are used as boundaries between what is inside and outside them.

At the same time, the works embrace an experience of contradiction by playing with contrasting sculptural qualities, such as weight and suspension, tension and release.

The new works on show at 1646 are part of our long-term collaboration with CA2M in Madrid and are a continuation of the work shown at the exhibition They saw their house turning into fields in 2023.

Dates and Times

6 September 3 November
13:00 – 21:00
13:00 – 18:00
13:00 – 18:00
13:00 – 18:00
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