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Classical music

Residentie Orkest - Mahler 5

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There is perhaps no grander work than Mahler’s Symphony No. 5.


  • One Minute Symphony
  • Bruch Vioolconcert nr. 1
  • Mahler Symfonie nr. 5

This musical epic takes the listener on a journey to return from death to life – the trials overcome, the pains endured on the way to a final, beautiful ode to love. Bruch’s romantic Violin Concerto No. 1 makes for an excellent combination. With the outstanding Simone Lamsma, this is one of the highlights of the season. 

Former artist-in-residence Simone Lamsma is a star violinist. Tonight she will perform the enthralling Violin Concerto No. 1 by Max Bruch, which shines like a gemstone in this both dark and romantic time of the year. Mahler’s Fifth likewise tugs on our heartstrings: the composer wrote the world-famous Adagietto for this wife, Alma.

Speaking on the subject, the composer said: “Every note is full of vitality and spins around as if in a whirlwind. There is nothing romantic or mystical about it, it is simply an expression of incredible energy. It is a human being in the full light of day, in the prime of their life.” 

Dates and Times

Friday 13 December
€ 11,00 - 65,00
Regular € 36,00 - 65,00
Youth up to 29 years or student € 11,00
Sunday 15 December
€ 11,00 - 65,00
Regular € 36,00 - 65,00
Youth up to 29 years or student € 11,00
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