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Classical music

Netherlands Chamber Choir - The Canterbury Songs

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Let us take you to fairy-tale Canterbury. We are writing the England of the 16th century. A landscape so breathtaking that it already inspired medieval writer Geoffrey Chaucer around 1400 to write his famous work The Canterbury Tales.

Moreover, Canrterbury was the birthplace of some of the greatest English Renaissance composers, Orlando Gibbons, Thomas Tallis and John Ward. Based on Chaucer's epic book, Renaissance specialist Peter Phillips, founder of The Tallis Scholars, brings their finest madrigals and motets to life with the Netherlands Chamber Choir. Works interwoven with newly written miniature compositions by the English composer William Knight.


  • English madrigals by Gibbons, Tallis and Ward
  • William Knight new work

Dates and Times

Sunday 29 September
€ 11,00 - 39,00
Regular € 18,00 - 39,00
Youth up to 29 years or student € 11,00
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