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Jan Radersma & Lucas Silawanebessy - Searching for the Wallace Line

Jan Radersma & Lucas Silawanebessy - Searching for the Wallace Line
City center
Exhibition genre
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His search for these images from the past brought to life by the ‘Oral Tradition’ in drawings, sculptures, prints and paintings. This laborious unravelling takes place under the skin as well as on the surfaces of the layered paint strokes on the support. Touched layers of paint, similar to the choreographic meticulousness of a dancer at court.

Lucas Silawanebessy – Tilburg

At this opening in the Louis XV hall, there will be musical entertainment by Jeroen Elfferich and Ivan Pavlov at 3.15pm. 

Jeroen Elfferich is a musician/composer who performs with his own compositions and he has a piano duo consisting of Bulgarian pianist Ivan Pavlov and himself. They play modern, minimal music-related compositions of their own. Their CDs have been heard on Radio 4, Vrije Geluiden and De Concertzender, among others. They release their work in collaboration with the Belgian label Etcetera Records.

Dates and Times

8 February 2 March
12:00 – 17:00
12:00 – 17:00
12:00 – 17:00
12:00 – 17:00
12:00 – 17:00
12:00 – 17:00
Het café-restaurant is geopend van dinsdag t/m zaterdag van 11:00-18:00 uur en op zondag van 11:00 – 17:00 uur
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